Fault ⁄ Falha Podcast

We speak to artists and academics about contemporary fractures in our society.

Fault ⁄ Falha is a creative project that explores the fragmentation and discontinuity of space, discourse, culture, and community – everywhere in the world.

Fault Falha


Robert Allison

Generative art and cellular automata

We spoke to Robert Allison about the origins of his work, the limits and the enormous potential of creative software. A fluid conversation about the history and the future of computing, from generative art to machine learning and analog networks.

Lúcia Antunes

Ilustração: entre a arte e a ciência

We spoke to Lúcia Antunes about the points of contact (and divergence) between her work as a scientific illustrator and as a designer.

During the conversation, we also tried to understand the process behind a drawing that aims to be a study and not a photographic representation.

This conversation is only available in Portuguese.

Saphira Nancy

Disrupção e criação artística

Regarding the exhibition Teia de Palma, we talked about the disruption of daily life imposed by the 2020 pandemic, of artistic and activist projects, in Lisbon and in the world.

This conversation is only available in Portuguese.

Tânia Guerreiro

Produção ao serviço do Artista

Tânia Guerreiro is a cultural producer and has worked in several areas of production, including shows, cinema, visual arts and multi-disciplinary festivals.

In this conversation, we address several issues around contemporary artistic production. Among them, the constraints of creation in view of funding limitations, and the lack of maturity of projects in the face of the imposition of deadlines that disrespect creation itself.

This conversation is only available in Portuguese.

Tiago Miranda

A intimidade cruel da fotografia

We spoke to Tiago Miranda about the power of images, about the intimacy and difficulty of photojournalism in times of cognitive dissonance.

This conversation is only available in Portuguese.
Fault Falha


Carlos Neto de Carvalho


O Geólogo Carlos Neto de Carvalho é coordenador do Geopark Naturtejo da Meseta Meridional e membro da comissão de coordenação da Rede Europeia de Geoparques. Já trabalhou em mais de 200 trabalhos em diversas áreas como Geologia, Paleontologia, Património.

A entrevista dá-se no cabeço mosqueiro, uma manta de vales e montes surge à nossa volta e, nas beiras, a imaginação dá lugar à paisagem com recortes de incêndios e de monoculturas, imaginamos as possibilidades para um território pouco conhecido e em que as falhas se revelam a olho nu.

Neste episódio Carlos introduz-nos às peculiaridades da Serra do Muradal à escala do tempo geológico e humano, social e até militar. As curiosidades desdobram-se em novas pastas de ficheiros com recortes de uma narrativa de que somos parte sem saber.

This conversation is only available in Portuguese.


A guerra dos pinguins