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Fault / Falha is a creative project that explores the fragmentation and discontinuity of space, discourse, culture, and community — everywhere in the world.

In geology, a fault is “a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock across which there has been significant displacement as a result of rock-mass movements”.

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Friction and rigidity are key features of a fractured landscape, literally and metaphorically. Globalization was a golden but broken promise of a seamless economy, of a cosmopolitan culture that would render nationalism obsolete and welcome a new digital and shared space for communication and justice. The long history of capitalism and its political implications meant that the globalization project, in its late - 20th century version, was riddled with inconsistencies and paradoxes.

On the one hand, the world’s economy has indeed become more tightly integrated via international supply chains, knowledge dissemination, urban development and the explosion of the digital universe. On the other, these same processes have generated unpredictable second and third-order effects that challenge, distort, condition, corrupt, prevent and sabotage the very idea of a sustainable and equitable planet.

The pandemic of 2020 exposed and accelerated the fragmentation of space, discourse, culture, and community everywhere in the world.

Petros by Lúcia Antunes

We invited five distinguished artists to interpret and explore this theme.

We selected projects that explore these themes using the medium of text, photography, illustration or drawing. Their work was exhibited at our gallery in Lisbon between November 2021 and April 2022.

Robert Allison

Saphira Nancy

Gustavo Lopes Pereira

Lúcia Antunes

Tiago Miranda

Fault ⁄ Falha Open Call

The Call ran from the 24th of May to the 18th of June 2021

We selected projects that explore contemporary discontinuities using the medium of text, photography, illustration or drawing. Eleven artists were chosen, and their work is included and published in the first issue of chumbo, our printed magazine dedicated to creative research. 


Selected artists



Owing to friction and the rigidity of the constituent rocks, the two sides of a fault cannot always glide or flow past each other easily, and so occasionally all movement stops.

Stress builds up when a fault is locked, and when it reaches a level that exceeds the strength threshold, the fault ruptures and the accumulated strain energy is released in part as seismic waves, forming an earthquake.


In the 2020s, we’re gonna see a lot of this struggle, as earlier global transit situations, and logistical situations, and data-flow situations, which used to be smooth, flat, easy, painless and boring, become snarled, complicated, punitive and irrationally jealous.

The existent epidemic quarantines are disguising these brand-new blockades and off-the-wall shoot-to-kill Checkpoint Charlies, but when-and-if Covid19 recedes these red-tape blockades will become stark and naked.


— Bruce Sterling
The WELL: State of the World 2021

Podcast Fault / Falha

Listen up.

Frederico Pereira .
The Power of Spatial Audio