Claudia Ungersbäck

Visual Artist

Claudia Ungersbäck is an Austrian visual artist that lives and works in Wien and has a multidisciplinary background, with studies in fashion design, drawing (Trinity College, Dublin), printmaking (Wiener Kunstschule), animation (Academy of Fine Arts of Krakow) and philosophy (University of Vienna).


I´m interested in the debate between automatism and conscious drawing. In general, my work is focused on the sound of gestures, words and thoughts the building blocks for art's themes, for writing and for visual works as lived experience.

— Claudia Ungersbäck

3 questions for Claudia


Where in the world is the biggest systemic fault?

That there is still this incredible gap between those we can't feed and new technological developments with enormous costs for reasons which don't serve humanity.

What would be the shape of an earthquake?

The shape of sound.

What should we protect?



How we met Claudia

We ran an open call from the 24th of May to the 18th of June 2021.
We selected eleven projects that explore contemporary discontinuities using the medium of text, photography, illustration or drawing.
Claudia Ungersbäck submitted the project Sculptituritys which was selected to be included and published in the first issue of chumbo — our printed magazine dedicated to creative research. 


Carolina Tardin