Charlie Morris
Visual Artist
Charlie Morris is based in the USA. Conceptually, his focus has been on how private, corporate, and State interests are expressed, interpreted, edited, and subsequently disseminated through various media. To explore these concerns he utilizes still photography, video, found object, sculpture, and text based works.
Near, or maybe far... shooting often blindly into the darkness... I never know what will happen, or what might further reveal itself later in the developing and editing process.
— Charlie Morris
3 questions for Charlie
Where in the world is the biggest systemic fault?
The seeming inability for humanity to recognise, and learn from past recorded histories and resultant outcomes. Karl Marx elucidated this notion of mass historical amnesia, by writing that "history repeats itself... first as tragedy, then as farce.”
What would be the shape of an earthquake?
It would take the shape of the unique, deep underwater canyon found off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal. Which in turn, gives us some of the largest recorded ocean waves in the world.
What should we protect?
Our mental health, both on an individual, and societal level. In hopes to better distinguish between truth and empathy, falsehood and cynicism
How we met Charlie
We ran an open call from the 24th of May to the 18th of June 2021.
We selected eleven projects that explore contemporary discontinuities using the medium of text, photography, illustration or drawing.
Charlie Morris submitted the project BloodshotbloodShot which was selected to be included and published in the first issue of chumbo — our printed magazine dedicated to creative research.