Alnis Stakle

Visual Artist

Alnis Stakle is a Latvian photographer and Professor of photography at the Rigas Stradins University (Latvia). He holds PhD in art education from Daugavpils University (Latvia) and he was a curator for Latvia Fotomonth. His work has been published and exhibited widely.


I am interested in the fate of the canonized artistic, scientific and journalistic images and their potential to embody contemporary meanings.

— Alnis Stakle

3 questions for Alnis


Where in the world is the biggest systemic fault?

People have a natural desire to see different phenomena as interconnected. Fault is a natural part of any system and phenomenon. The biggest fault in the world is the belief that a world without fault is possible.

What would be the shape of an earthquake?

The shape of an earthquake could be a circle. In my opinion, the most peaceful form. I want to compare an earthquake to a stress reliever.

What should we protect?

I don't believe we can protect anything. We can't even protect ourselves. In the bubble of western culture, we feel more secure and in control of our destiny, but in general we have not learned to resolve even simple conflicts through negotiation.


How we met Alnis

We ran an open call from the 24th of May to the 18th of June 2021.
We selected eleven projects that explore contemporary discontinuities using the medium of text, photography, illustration or drawing.
Alnis Stakle submitted the project Mellow Apocalypse which was selected to be included and published in the first issue of chumbo — our printed magazine dedicated to creative research.


Inês Miguel Oliveira


Carolina Tardin